- Discover the total number of website visitors
- Track conversions
- Find out how visitors are finding your website
- Find out the number of new visitors vs repeat visitors
- Keywords in play
- Drop-off rates
- Geographical origins
- Track composite assessments of page views on the website
- Monitor the pages where they enter the site (landing pages)
- Find out where they go after entering
- What type of device they used to access the website
- Demographics of site visitors
- Social media impact
- Email campaign results
Using Analytics to Track Conversions
Google Analytics can also be used to track both micro and macro conversions through monitoring events and setting up campaigns. This even includes tracking PDF file downloads, form responses for specific campaigns, video interactions and landing page links. For email marketing, it is also possible to use Google Analytics to track all the metrics you are used to seeing from your originating email relay service provider and to integrate those into custom conversion reports. Intelligent data gathering and careful analysis are the keys to determining the effectiveness of your internet marketing campaigns.
Analyzing Your Website Traffic
The numbers are important, but have limited value if they are not analyzed to find out exactly what they say about the effectiveness of the message. This component of analytics is often overlooked. Website owners may focus on the number of visitors and fail to break those numbers down into actionable information.
Once you understand your current website traffic patterns, you can begin to take steps to influence those patterns to achieve higher conversion rates.