30 Ways to Grow Your Website Traffic
A major key to growing your website traffic is to take many small actions that, when combined, will drive more new traffic to your website and increase repeat visits. This list of basic, essential promotional activities will help your efforts to grow traffic without costing an arm and a leg and you will see results almost immediately.
Internet Analytics for Measuring Success
Even among experienced marketers it is common to underuse the measurement tools available for determining the success of internet marketing campaigns. So it is perhaps not surprising that many business owners and organizational managers have an incomplete understanding of how metrics can help them improve both the reach and the cost effectiveness of their marketing messages.
Writing Keyword Rich Content for Search Engines
One of the most important factors in getting good placement for your website in keyword searches is to make it easy for the search engine robots to discover your site's purpose. The content (text) on your webpage is weighted heavily in determining what the robots will report about what your site should be indexed for, especially the first sentence or paragraph on the page.
Types of Business Websites
At the most basic level, the design philosophy for a majority of business websites can be classed into two groups. The first group are those that are designed to get the highest listing on search engines for keyword searches through focusing on search engine optimization strategies.
When a Search Engine Listing is NOT a Good Thing
We all want great listings and high placement for keywords on search engines. Companies and individuals are all fairly eager to research keywords and spend some effort (some more than others) and money (also some more than others) on targeting keywords and optimizing webpages. This is time and money well spent.
5 More SEO Tips for Optimizing Your Website
In a recent LinkedIn group discussion, it was said that there are some 200 factors that go into Google's algorithm that calculates where to position your website in searches. It would be a full-time job to constantly monitor all those factors, but, fortunately, not all of them are equally important. By focusing on the most critical factors, you can help your site's placement in searches.
Focus Your Website Content
Nearly all businesses have a wide range of services and products in their sales portfolio to enable them to stay diversified and to compete. With so many different things to let customers know about, the tendency is to try to use your home page to tell everybody, everything about your business. This results in a cluttered, unfocused page that may lose your visitor instantly because it is impossible for them to quickly glean your site purpose.
5 Quick Tips to Improve Your Site SEO
Truly optimizing your website for good search engine placement can be a long, uphill battle given the amount of competition. However, here are five quick tips that will improve your visibility to search engines that also correct common website design mistakes.